Pareto-khat diagnosticsUpdated 3 months ago

Aki Vehtari

Rendered from pareto_diagnostics.Rmd in posterior 1.6.0.
The posterior R packageUpdated 3 months ago

Paul Bürkner, Jonah Gabry, Matthew Kay, and Aki Vehtari

Rendered from posterior.Rmd in posterior 1.6.0.
Latent projection predictive feature selectionUpdated 3 months ago

Frank Weber

Rendered from latent.Rmd in projpred
projpred: Projection predictive feature selectionUpdated 3 months ago

Frank Weber

Rendered from projpred.Rmd in projpred
stan_glm: Estimating Generalized Linear Models for Continuous Data with rstanarmUpdated 3 months ago

Jonah Gabry and Ben Goodrich

Rendered from continuous.Rmd in rstanarm
stan_glm: Estimating Generalized Linear Models for Count Data with rstanarmUpdated 3 months ago

Jonah Gabry and Ben Goodrich

Rendered from count.Rmd in rstanarm
Getting started with CmdStanRUpdated 3 months ago

Jonah Gabry, Rok Češnovar, and Andrew Johnson

Rendered from cmdstanr.Rmd in cmdstanr 0.8.1.
Hierarchical Partial Pooling for Repeated Binary TrialsUpdated 3 months ago

Bob Carpenter, Jonah Gabry and Ben Goodrich

Rendered from pooling.Rmd in rstanarm
Prior Distributions for rstanarm ModelsUpdated 3 months ago

Jonah Gabry and Ben Goodrich

Rendered from priors.Rmd in rstanarm
stan_aov: Estimating ANOVA Models with rstanarmUpdated 3 months ago

Jonah Gabry and Ben Goodrich

Rendered from aov.Rmd in rstanarm
stan_betareg: Modeling Rates/Proportions using Beta Regression with rstanarmUpdated 3 months ago

Imad Ali, Jonah Gabry and Ben Goodrich

Rendered from betareg.Rmd in rstanarm
stan_glm: Estimating Generalized Linear Models for Binary and Binomial Data with rstanarmUpdated 3 months ago

Jonah Gabry and Ben Goodrich

Rendered from binomial.Rmd in rstanarm
stan_glmer: Estimating Generalized (Non-)Linear Models with Group-Specific Terms with rstanarmUpdated 3 months ago

Jonah Gabry and Ben Goodrich

Rendered from glmer.Rmd in rstanarm
stan_jm: Estimating Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data with rstanarmUpdated 3 months ago

Sam Brilleman

Rendered from jm.Rmd in rstanarm
stan_lm: Estimating Regularized Linear Models with rstanarmUpdated 3 months ago

Jonah Gabry and Ben Goodrich

Rendered from lm.Rmd in rstanarm
stan_polr: Estimating Ordinal Regression Models with rstanarmUpdated 3 months ago

Jonah Gabry and Ben Goodrich

Rendered from polr.Rmd in rstanarm
stan_surv: Estimating Survival (Time-to-Event) Models with rstanarmUpdated 3 months ago

Sam Brilleman

Rendered from surv.Rmd in rstanarm
Working with PosteriorsUpdated 5 months ago

Andrew Johnson

Rendered from posterior.Rmd in cmdstanr 0.8.1.
Approximate leave-future-out cross-validation for Bayesian time series modelsUpdated 5 months ago

Paul Bürkner, Jonah Gabry, Aki Vehtari

Rendered from loo2-lfo.Rmd in loo
Avoiding model refits in leave-one-out cross-validation with moment matchingUpdated 5 months ago

Topi Paananen, Paul Bürkner, Aki Vehtari and Jonah Gabry

Rendered from loo2-moment-matching.Rmd in loo
Bayesian Stacking and Pseudo-BMA weights using the loo packageUpdated 5 months ago

Aki Vehtari and Jonah Gabry

Rendered from loo2-weights.Rmd in loo
Leave-one-out cross-validation for non-factorized modelsUpdated 5 months ago

Aki Vehtari, Paul Bürkner and Jonah Gabry

Rendered from loo2-non-factorized.Rmd in loo
Mixture IS leave-one-out cross-validation for high-dimensional Bayesian modelsUpdated 5 months ago

Luca Silva and Giacomo Zanella

Rendered from loo2-mixis.Rmd in loo
Using Leave-one-out cross-validation for large dataUpdated 5 months ago

Mans Magnusson, Paul Bürkner, Aki Vehtari and Jonah Gabry

Rendered from loo2-large-data.Rmd in loo
Using the loo package (version >= 2.0.0)Updated 5 months ago

Aki Vehtari and Jonah Gabry

Rendered from loo2-example.Rmd in loo
Writing Stan programs for use with the loo packageUpdated 5 months ago

Aki Vehtari and Jonah Gabry

Rendered from loo2-with-rstan.Rmd in loo
Visual MCMC diagnostics using the bayesplot packageUpdated 8 months ago

Jonah Gabry and Martin Modrák

Rendered from visual-mcmc-diagnostics.Rmd in bayesplot
Step by step guide for creating a package that depends on RStanUpdated 8 months ago

Stefan Siegert, Jonah Gabry, Martin Lysy, and Ben Goodrich

Rendered from minimal-rstan-package.Rmd in rstantools
How does CmdStanR work?Updated 9 months ago

Jonah Gabry and Rok Češnovar

Rendered from cmdstanr-internals.Rmd in cmdstanr 0.8.1.
rvar: The Random Variable DatatypeUpdated 10 months ago

Matthew Kay

Rendered from rvar.Rmd in posterior 1.6.0.
Holdout validation and K-fold cross-validation of Stan programs with the loo packageUpdated 11 months ago

Bruno Nicenboim

Rendered from loo2-elpd.Rmd in loo
Using the Stan Math C++ LibraryUpdated 11 months ago

Stan Development Team

Rendered from stanmath.Rmd in StanHeaders
R Markdown CmdStan EngineUpdated 12 months ago

Mikhail Popov

Rendered from r-markdown.Rmd in cmdstanr 0.8.1.
Interfacing with External C++ CodeUpdated 1 years ago

Stan Development Team

Rendered from external.Rmd in rstan
RStan: the R interface to StanUpdated 1 years ago

Stan Development Team

Rendered from rstan.Rmd in rstan
Profiling Stan programs with CmdStanRUpdated 1 years ago

Rok Češnovar, Jonah Gabry and Ben Bales

Rendered from profiling.Rmd in cmdstanr 0.8.1.
How to Use the rstanarm PackageUpdated 2 years ago

Jonah Gabry and Ben Goodrich

Rendered from rstanarm.Rmd in rstanarm
Probabilistic A/B Testing with rstanarmUpdated 2 years ago

Imad Ali

Rendered from ab-testing.Rmd in rstanarm
Plotting MCMC draws using the bayesplot packageUpdated 2 years ago

Jonah Gabry

Rendered from plotting-mcmc-draws.Rmd in bayesplot
Guidelines for Developers of R Packages Interfacing with StanUpdated 2 years ago

Stan Development Team

Rendered from developer-guidelines.Rmd in rstantools
Deploying to shinyapps.ioUpdated 3 years ago

Jonah Gabry

Rendered from deploy_shinystan.Rmd in shinystan 2.6.0.
Getting StartedUpdated 3 years ago

Jonah Gabry

Rendered from shinystan-package.Rmd in shinystan 2.6.0.
Graphical posterior predictive checks using the bayesplot packageUpdated 4 years ago

Jonah Gabry

Rendered from graphical-ppcs.Rmd in bayesplot
MRP with rstanarmUpdated 4 years ago

Lauren Kennedy and Jonah Gabry

Rendered from mrp.Rmd in rstanarm
Simulation Based CalibrationUpdated 4 years ago

Stan Development Team

Rendered from SBC.Rmd in rstan
Accessing the contents of a stanfit objectUpdated 4 years ago

Stan Development Team

Rendered from stanfit-objects.Rmd in rstan